We Make Waves!
Welcome! Did you know that Coastal Women in Business is not just for business owners? Our purpose is to support and unite women from diverse backgrounds inclusively, in a wide array of careers and job sectors. Network, make community connections, learn and grow with us! Maybe you’re thinking about starting a business… or retired and have wisdom to share… Consultants, craftswomen, partners, home based, non profit reps, volunteers, employees or managers, women in trades, real estate, finance, sales… the list goes on. Level up while getting to know like-minded women. Non binary? No problem. We look forward to meeting you all.
Our Value & Mission Statements
We empower one another
We remember the challenges that women have overcome, and recognize the challenges we still face
We pursue growth, both personal and professional
We utilize grassroots knowledge and make space for new ideas
We support one another
Our mission is to provide an inclusive environment that empowers women to grow their careers and businesses through networking, education, resource support, and mentorship while lifting them up in their roles as mothers, wives, caregivers, and friends.
Our Events
Coastal Women In Business are pleased to present a variety of Guest Speakers, Presenters and Social Events.
The views and opinions expressed by any of the speakers hosted by Coastal WIB are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the policy and position of the Women In Business organization.
Member Directory
Browse our list of members and search for women-led businesses and services in qathet.