Katrina Sinclair
Healthwise Benefits
Coastal Women in Business Board Member
I am a local insurance advisor who specializes in Health and Dental Insurance for both businesses and individuals.
PHONE: 778-554-6676
EMAIL: katrina@healthwisebenefits.ca
ADDRESS: 4565 Joyce Ave, Powell River, BC, Canada V8A 3B2 (Home Office)
WEBSITE: www.healthwisebenefits.ca
SOCIAL MEDIA: @katrina.benefitsadvisor
More about Katrina…
What brought you to Powell River?: Friends! And got a good opportunity to by a house 😊
When you're not working, how do you like to spend your time?: Walking the seawall, Reading, Renovating our house, travelling to see friends in family in Ontario and Ireland.
What’s the first career you dreamed of having as a kid?: Ballerina- “Katrina the Ballerina” I use to always say, like it was perfect sense because it rhymed :P
What's one thing about you that surprises people?: I’m in insurance. Although I have been in the industry for 10+ years and have a wealth of experience, I am pretty casual, and sometimes don’t dress the part :P
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?: If hard work was easy everyone would do it.
What is a dream you have that you’ve yet to achieve?: ? Having my partner work in the business, my dream is for us to run the business together.
What do you love most about your career?:The people! I love my clients. The different business and different stages there in, is so interesting!